You will agree with me that there are times in our lives when we need  counsels. I suppose almost every big institution in this country and probably every country has a counsellor's office or a consultant office.
I have nothing against earthly counsellors, but there is something I want you to know.

Our vision and that of our earthly counsellors is limited, hindered by earthly considerations.
All human see matters in a skewed earthly perspectives. We often depend on our experiences to confirm the choices we make.

But we have an unlimited, all knowing Counselor-his name is Jesus.

He speaks to us through our conscience when we err. He speaks with a still small voice when we meditate. Sometimes, He speaks to us through our friends, or perhaps through those who differ with us. He speaks to us through the events of the day, but mostly He speaks to us through His Word.
*We need to cultivate a sensitivity to His counsel.*

When He gives a counsel, it may be:
1. A rebuke: "Thou art the man"
         ...2 Samuel 12:7.

2. Words of comfort: "I will never leave thee, nor forsake thee"
    .....Hebrews 13:5

3. An advice: "This is the way, walk ye in it"
      .....Isaiah 30:21.

4. A wake-up call: "Get up... Israel hath sinned"
  .......Joshua 7:10-11.

If you're a Christian, I would like to remind you to heed to Daddy's Counsel.

If you're not a Christian, I would like to tell you that JESUS CHRIST does counsel those who are His and *you are INVITED.*

NB: Jesus Christ is a Wonderful Counsellor; have you listened to the Wonderful Counsellor today?

".... And His name shall be called Wonderful, Counsellor...."
  (ISAIAH 9:6)

May our awesome, loving and caring God, guard, guide, keep and bless you!

This is your friend;
Mwl. Immanuel; M.K
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