By Nekivuyo
~Do you realize what an influence you have on children?
You do not have to be a father, maybe a mother, uncle, aunt, older brother or sister. Fathers, especially, seem to be idolized by their younger children.
*They try to imitate Dad, and his word has special authority to them.*

Sometimes ago I went to our neighbour's home, and as we were talking I decided to ask him some questions about his workplace. And before he answers my questions he started to tell me something that made me think.

He said;  "Recently I took my children to work with me. Two of the children were standing on the stepladder. The one who was old enough to read said, "This is all the higher we can go because on the next step it says, "Do not stand or sit." The one who could not read said, *"Yeah, but did Dad say so?"*

The writing did not mean much to him, *but Dad's words did.* We have much influence on our children. They know what is important to us.

It is almost impossible to erase what is engraved into their young minds. Whether they look to us as Dad or mom, brother or sister, youth in the church, or an acquaintance from elsewhere, we need to remember that *they are following us.*

May we say like PAUL,
"Be ye followers of me, even as I also of Christ"
....1CORINTHIANS 11:1.

NB: No matter where He leads or what it costs, the best thing we can do as Christians is follow Christ!

"......because Christ also suffered for us, leaving us an example, that ye should follow his steps."
  (1PETER 2:21)

May our awesome, loving and caring God; guard, guide, keep and bless you...!

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